Delicate but full of blooms! This stunning bouquet is packed full of quintessential English garden flowers, in a palette of pinks, creams and greens. The rich green bay leaves contrast perfectly with the British roses and large statement hydrangea. Shown here in our Paris stone vase, which isn't included but also available.
This bouquet includes:
1 x large ombre pink hydrangea
1 x multi-stem orchard blossom branch
1 x multi-stem pink limonium spray
1 x multi-head gypsophila spray
2 x multi-head garden rose sprays
2 x rose bud stems
1 x multi-head garden rose spray
1 x multi-stem bay leaf spray
Approx 50cm long and comes gift wrapped in our brown paper and ribbon, making it a wonderful gift!
Perfect Gift
A beautiful product,
guaranteed to be loved
This product is
handmade with love
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