Ava is a a stunning Spring bouquet that offers an alterative to traditional pinks. Compromising of pretty purples and whites, contrasted with vibrant yellows and then finished with mini berry buds and green hops. Shown here in our Echo Stone Vase, which is not included but also available.
This bouquet includes:
1 x multi-head lace hydrangea bunch
2 x purple hydrangea sprays
1 x multi-head wild lavender spray
2 x multi-head large yellow poppy sprays
1 x large green hops spray
1 x multi-head yellow meadow spray
5 x purple wild berry sprays
Approx 45cm long and comes gift wrapped n our brown paper and ribbon, making it a wonderful gift!
Perfect Gift
A beautiful product,
guaranteed to be loved
This product is
handmade with love
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