Aurelia is a beautiful and large bouquet offering a different colour palette for someone who wants a bold bouquet but with a subtle colour way. The delicate cream lilies and plump blush pink peonies offer a wonderful contrast with the dark green foliage. Shown here in our Hermes Cylindrical Vase, which is not included but also available.
This bouquet includes:
1 x multi-head large peony stem
1 x large cabbage rose
1 x multi-head mini pink rose spray
1 x multi-spray heart leaf stem
3 x multi-spray burgundy eucalyptus stems
2 x multi-head cream alstroemeria lily sprays
Approx 45cm long and comes gift wrapped n our brown paper and ribbon, making it a wonderful gift!
Perfect Gift
A beautiful product,
guaranteed to be loved
This product is
handmade with love
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