A large exquisite bouquet, encompassing the colours of spring and early summer with subtle pink hues alongside lush greenery and textures. This stunning bouquet gives tones of blush pinks and corals, with elements of whites and an abundance of different greenery and foliage. Shown here in our Griffin Stone Vase, which is not included but also available.
This bouquet contains:
1 x multi-head blush pink peony spray
1 x extra large green hydrangea
2 x multi-head coral poppy sprays
2 x multi-head green meadow flower sprays
1 x multi-head gypsolphlia spray
1 x large blush garden rose
1 x multi-head globe ball ball
1 x large eucalyptus spray
1 x multi-stem noble leaf spray
Approx 45cm long and comes gift wrapped n our brown paper and ribbon, making it a wonderful gift!
Perfect Gift
A beautiful product,
guaranteed to be loved
This product is
handmade with love
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