A stunning large bouquet of subtle lilac colours and muted greens. The Anais bouquet offers a spring colour palette that is also suitable for all year oud and makes such a beautiful addition to any home with her minimalist colouring and soft hues. Shown here in our Apollo Grey Jug, which isn't included but also available.
This bouquet includes:
1 x large grey Tudor rose
1 x multi stem muted bamboo spray
3 x multi-head wild indigo sprays
1 x large cream hydrangea
1 x multi-head alstroemeria spray
1 x large cream stock flower
1 x multi-head purple heather spray
1 x multi-head pink flocked Jasmin spray
4 x asparagus fern sprays
Approx 45cm long and comes gift wrapped n our brown paper and ribbon, making it a wonderful gift!
Perfect Gift
A beautiful product,
guaranteed to be loved
This product is
handmade with love
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